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Writer's picturersharper1699

10th Dimension is a Smooth Invention

There are many many complex things going on in the human mind. All sorts of stimuli being aroused all at once! We can get into that at another time though. What we're trying to say is that here in San Pablo, there is a group of dedicated youth who have a fierce burning desire to better our community. Through harmonic prayer and thoughtful discussion, we benefit San Pablo with our actions and we let them be our words!

Now, our tale today is the tale of a young girl, one who was unsure about her purpose in life, one who was generally unhappy with her life, until one day, our charismatic protagonist came, swooped her up (metaphorically) and led her to the light. The "light" in this case being a weekly devotional held by a group of friends every Tuesday. A devotional being a place of open thinking and prayer. Think of it as a place where you can share your thoughts on the world/certain topics in this safe space.

Our friend who was swooped up, let's call her R, states that our protagonist drew her in by simply saying that our devotional space is open for deep conversation. R thought about what our protagonist thought long and hard, and eventually came to the conclusion of "who doesn't want deep conversation?" It was also a great way to get away from the harsh reality of the outside world. Of course, in the beginning R was a shy shy individual, but overtime she and her friends opened up more and became close friends of our protagonist, who had increasingly deep conversations with them. What were these conversations they were having you may ask? That is the true friendship! You see, anything that you may consider "deep" or "philosophical" has ties to spirituality. Asking "what is the meaning of life?” or "what is my purpose in this existence?" Can be discussed both biologically speaking ("Through reproducing!") or spiritually! ("The purpose of life is to enhance your soul's communing with God. Your life here in the material world ((Earth)) is a fertile ground to see how many people you can help before your mortal body passes away.") With questions similar to those, R has become a devoted youth with a fierce desire to protect those she loves and to transform her community.

Every meeting R and her friends left "refreshed and happier". Feeling like its a beautiful start of a new year and you're drinking your favorite apple juice! R and her friends always feel like they're the top of the world because our protagonist and her husband have are genuinely kind people with no ulterior motives. In the end, about her experience so far, she has this to say in terms of what she learned: "I have learned to be happier and more detached from this world." When she says "this world", R means the material world of today. Anything material is anything you feel you could flex. Designer clothes, fine dining, 800 million dollar Yachts, everything! So back to our story... with sheer charisma, our protagonist has made a small group of friends happier just by giving them a quick talk and invitation to her house. Our protagonist now considers them her own children and couldn't be happier. And thus, ends this tale of a soul bound by others. Of course, R herself has grown as a person herself, and she has found herself enriched spiritually and detached from the evils that is material desire. She and her friends now are happier people and she wants to make others experience the joys of helping others and engaging in meaningful conversation with more and more of her friends.

The Spiritual Empowerment Group's aim is to educate and guide people to their full potential, and the 10th Dimension devotional is one of the many ways we aim to accomplish this. Meaning, our tale of friendship and love is not over Actually, as a matter of fact, it is ongoing, and you yourself, reader, can accompany us on this great mission! We still have plenty of evil to vanquish with the mighty sword of justice that is love and material detachment. If you wish to join the cause and help San Pablo become a kinder, gentler community, come meet up with our group, you have our number! Do not be shy! We have lots of love, smiles, and discussions for everyone to take part in! We always welcome new faces, as we believe everyone has the potential to change the world!

So, with that said,

Don't disregard your potential, that is our memento!

- The San Pablo Youth Empowerment Group

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